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- Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 01:44:47 -0400
- From: David Russell <drussell@cac.net>
- Subject: [IML] IFW: Brushmap Problem
- I have never run into this problem before with a brush map.
- Imagine, I mean picture, in your head an object that looks like a
- primitive disk that has been extruded slightly. It has the general
- shape of a coin. My intention is to apply a different altitude map to
- each side to get a different look. The problem is that no matter how I
- scale the y axis, or where I place the axis of the brush map, I can not
- get it to affect only one side of the object. I have even tried placing
- the brush map axis in the center of the object. If it has any affect at
- all it is on both sides. If I change the map usage from altitude to
- color I can make it affect only one side.
- Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 12:05:26 +0100
- From: Joerg Rusnak <joerg.rusnak@STUDENT.UNI-TUEBINGEN.DE>
- Hi Dave,
- the problem is, that the normal "depth"-control mechanism of brushes
- (y-axis) doesn't work for altitudemaps ! There the y-axis is used to
- control the height of the bump. Solution:
- - Go into "select faces mode"
- - select the top faces of your coin
- - make them a subgroup (i.e. "top")
- - apply the bumpmap to the object, but select at the subgroup-request of the
- (bump)brushmap the new TOP-subgroup.
- - now the bump-effect is applied exclusively to the top-faces of your coin.